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g - Variable in class pthreading.PThread
The PGraphics object the thread draws into.
getAverageCalcFPS() - Method in class pthreading.PThreadManager
First enables timing collection for each thread, then returns the average FPS of running threads' calc() loops.
getAverageDrawFPS() - Method in class pthreading.PThreadManager
First enables timing collection for each thread, then returns the average FPS of running threads' draw() loops.
getCalcFPS() - Method in class pthreading.PThread
Returns time taken for the thread's calc() loop to execute.
getDrawFPS() - Method in class pthreading.PThread
Returns time taken for the thread's draw() loop to execute.
getThreadCount() - Method in class pthreading.PThreadManager
Returns the count of the threads (both paused and running) managed by this thread manager.
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