Package micycle.pgs

package micycle.pgs
Processing Geometry Suite is a software project that provides easy access to geometric algorithms in the form of a Processing library.

Functionality is split over the following classes:

  • Class
    Circle packings of shapes, subject to varying constraints and patterns of tangencies.
    Minimal colorings of meshes (or mesh-like shapes).
    Specifies the algorithm/heuristic used by the underlying graph coloring process to find an approximate minimal coloring for mesh faces.
    Construct uncommon/interesting 2D geometries (beyond those offered in Processing).
    Methods for producing different kinds of shape contours.
    Specifies the join style for offset curves.
    Facilitates conversion between Processing's PShapes and JTS's Geometries, along with various other formats.
    A utility class for storing and manipulating the visual properties of PShapes from the Processing library.
    Generates various types of geomtric hulls (convex, concave, etc.) for polygons and point sets.
    Mesh generation (excluding triangulation) and processing.
    Methods that affect the geometry or topology of shapes.
    Solve geometric optimisation problems, such as bounding volumes, inscribed areas, optimal distances, etc.
    Various packing heuristics for rectpack().
    Generation of random sets of 2D points having a variety of different distributions and constraints (and associated functions).
    Methods that process shape geometry: partitioning, slicing, cleaning, etc.
    Generation of random sets of non-intersecting line segments (and associated functions).
    Boolean set-operations for 2D shapes.
    Various shape metrics, predicates and descriptors.
    Tiling, tessellation and subdivision of the plane using periodic or non-periodic geometric shapes.
    Various geometric and affine transformations for PShapes that affect vertex coordinates.
    Delaunay and earcut triangulation of shapes and point sets.
    Voronoi Diagrams of shapes and point sets.