Package micycle.pgs

Class PGS_Coloring


public final class PGS_Coloring extends Object
Minimal colorings of meshes (or mesh-like shapes). It ensures that no two adjacent faces share the same color while also minimizing the total number of colors used.

This class differentiates between "conforming meshes" and "non-conforming meshes".

Conforming Meshes : Consist of adjacent cells that share edges and every pair of shared edges are identical, meaning they have the same coordinates. An example of a conforming mesh is a triangulation.
Non-Conforming Meshes : Consist of adjacent cells that share edges (i.e. edges may overlap) but adjacent edges do not necessarily have identical start and end coordinates.

For a non-conforming mesh, a pre-processing step called "noding" is required to split edges before coloring.
Michael Carleton
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    Specifies the algorithm/heuristic used by the underlying graph coloring process to find an approximate minimal coloring for mesh faces.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer>
    colorMesh(Collection<processing.core.PShape> shapes, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
    Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape, returning a color class for each mesh face.
    static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer>
    colorMesh(processing.core.PShape meshShape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
    Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape, returning a color class for each mesh face.
    static processing.core.PShape
    colorMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, int[] colorPalette)
    Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape and colors its faces using the colors provided.
    static processing.core.PShape
    colorMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, String[] colorPalette)
    Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape and colors its faces using the colors provided.
    static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer>
    colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
    Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape, returning a color class for each face of the pre-processed (noded) mesh.
    static processing.core.PShape
    colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, int[] colorPalette)
    Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape and colors the faces of its noded representation using the colors provided.
    static processing.core.PShape
    colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, String[] colorPalette)
    Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape and colors the faces of its noded representation using the colors provided.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • colorMesh

      public static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer> colorMesh(processing.core.PShape meshShape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
      Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape, returning a color class for each mesh face.
      meshShape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      a color-class map; a mapping of each mesh face (PShape) -> color class (integer)
    • colorMesh

      public static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer> colorMesh(Collection<processing.core.PShape> shapes, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
      Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape, returning a color class for each mesh face.
      shapes - a collection of shapes that constitute the faces of a conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      a color-class map; a mapping of each mesh face (PShape) -> color class (integer)
    • colorMesh

      public static processing.core.PShape colorMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, int[] colorPalette)
      Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape and colors its faces using the colors provided. This method mutates the fill colour of the input shape.
      shape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      colorPalette - the (integer) colors with which to color the mesh
      the input shape (whose faces have now been colored)
    • colorMesh

      public static processing.core.PShape colorMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, String[] colorPalette)
      Computes a coloring of the given mesh shape and colors its faces using the colors provided. This method mutates the fill colour of the input shape.
      shape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      colorPalette - the string colors (e.g. "#FFFFFF", or "cba5e8") with which to color the mesh
      the input shape (whose faces have now been colored)
    • colorNonMesh

      public static Map<processing.core.PShape,Integer> colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm)
      Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape, returning a color class for each face of the pre-processed (noded) mesh.
      shape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a non-conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      a color-class map; a mapping of each noded mesh face (PShape) -> color class (integer)
    • colorNonMesh

      public static processing.core.PShape colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, int[] colorPalette)
      Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape and colors the faces of its noded representation using the colors provided.
      shape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a non-conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      colorPalette - the (integer) colors with which to color the mesh
      noded representation of the input shape (whose faces have now been colored)
    • colorNonMesh

      public static processing.core.PShape colorNonMesh(processing.core.PShape shape, PGS_Coloring.ColoringAlgorithm coloringAlgorithm, String[] colorPalette)
      Computes a coloring of the given non-conforming mesh shape and colors the faces of its noded representation using the colors provided.
      shape - a GROUP PShape, whose children constitute the faces of a non-conforming mesh
      coloringAlgorithm - coloring algorithm used to color the mesh
      colorPalette - the string colors (e.g. "#FFFFFF", or "cba5e8") with which to color the mesh
      noded representation of the input shape (whose faces have now been colored)