Class MedialAxis.MedialDisk

  • Enclosing class:

    public class MedialAxis.MedialDisk
    extends Object
    Voronoi Disk. medial disk? maximal disk? Also inscribed disks.

    A voronoi disk represents each node in the medial axis and has a corresponding triangle in the underlying Delaunay triangulation. A disk is the shape's maximal-inscribed circle located at the disk's center point -- a disk's radius is the distance to the nearest point on the shape edge from the disk center point.

    Michael Carleton
    • Field Detail

      • t

        public org.tinfour.common.SimpleTriangle t
        The underlying delaunay triangle associated with this disk
      • children

        public List<MedialAxis.MedialDisk> children
        This disk's children nodes. Nodes have upto 3 children. Leaf nodes have 0 children.
      • depthBF

        public final int depthBF
      • depthDF

        public int depthDF
      • degree

        public int degree
        The number of children / outdegree
      • featureArea

        public double featureArea
        The sum of triangle areas of this disk and all its descendants
      • distance

        public double distance
        euclidean shortest path distance from root node circumcircle
      • axialGradient

        public final double axialGradient
        Measures the change in the width of the shape per unit length of the axis (edge segment). When positive, this part of the object widens as we progress along the axis branch; if it’s negative the part narrows. The gradient for a given disk is measured using its parent node (i.e. how the gradient changes as we move towards this disk), rather than child (how gradient changes as we move away from this disk).
      • position

        public final org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate position
        Centerpoint of this disk
      • radius

        public final double radius
        The radius of the circumcircle of the disk's underlying triangle. Also equivalent to the distance between the disk center and the closest point on the shape
      • id

        public final int id