void |
PeasyGradients.conicGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle) |
Renders a conic gradient.
void |
PeasyGradients.crossGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double zoom) |
Leading to a 'X' shape.
void |
PeasyGradients.diamondGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double zoom) |
Renders a gradient where colors are plotted according to the manhattan
distance between the position and midpoint, forming a diamond-shaped
void |
PeasyGradients.fractalNoiseGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double scale,
micycle.peasygradients.utilities.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType noiseType,
micycle.peasygradients.utilities.FastNoiseLite.FractalType fractalType,
int fractalOctaves,
double fractalGain,
double fractalLacunarity) |
void |
PeasyGradients.hourglassGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double zoom) |
Renders what I've described as a an hourglass gradient, owing to it's
similarity with an hourglass at certain angles.
void |
PeasyGradients.hourglassGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double zoom,
double pinch,
double roundness) |
void |
PeasyGradients.linearGradient(Gradient gradient,
double angle) |
Renders a linear gradient (having its midpoint at the centre of the
sketch/render target).
void |
PeasyGradients.linearGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle) |
Renders a linear gradient with a given gradient midpoint.
void |
PeasyGradients.linearGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double length) |
Renders a linear gradient using a given gradient centerpoint, angle and
void |
PeasyGradients.linearGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector controlPoint1,
processing.core.PVector controlPoint2) |
Renders a linear gradient using two user-defined control points, specifying
the position of the first and last colors (the angle of the gradient is the
angle between the two control points).
void |
PeasyGradients.noiseGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double scale) |
Renders a noise gradient, using the FastNoise library to generate noise
void |
PeasyGradients.noiseGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double scale,
micycle.peasygradients.utilities.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType noiseType) |
Renders a noise gradient in the given noise type.
void |
PeasyGradients.polygonGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double zoom,
int sides) |
Renders a polygonal gradient
void |
PeasyGradients.radialGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double zoom) |
Renders a radial gradient.
void |
PeasyGradients.spiralGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double curveCount) |
Renders a spiral gradient
void |
PeasyGradients.spiralGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double angle,
double curveCount,
double curviness) |
Renders a spiral gradient with a specific "curviness".
void |
PeasyGradients.spotlightGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector originPoint,
double angle,
double beamAngle) |
Renders a spotlight-like gradient using a given origin point, angle and light
void |
PeasyGradients.spotlightGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector originPoint,
processing.core.PVector endPoint) |
where beam angle scales depending on distance between points
void |
PeasyGradients.uniformNoiseGradient(Gradient gradient,
processing.core.PVector centerPoint,
double z,
double angle,
double scale) |
Renders a noise gradient having a uniform distribution, and using a given
noise z value.