Class DiscreteCurveEvolution


public class DiscreteCurveEvolution extends Object
This class simplifies curves while maintaining perceptual appearance. It does this through the iterative removal of the least shape-relevant "kinks", which are where consecutive line segments meet (at a vertex).

The shape relevance of a kink is calculated based on its turn angle and the lengths of the line segments it comprises. Kinks with larger turn angles and longer segments contribute more to the overall shape of the curve and are thus more likely to be preserved during the simplification process.

This class uses an efficient implementation that reduces the time complexity from a naive O(n2) to O(n log n), making it suitable for processing large datasets. It handles both closed and open curves. The algorithm is not guaranteed to be topology-preserving.

Michael Carleton
  • Constructor Details

    • DiscreteCurveEvolution

      public DiscreteCurveEvolution()
  • Method Details

    • process

      public static org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate[] process(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString lineString, DiscreteCurveEvolution.DCETerminationCallback terminationCallback)
      Applies the Discrete Curve Evolution (DCE) algorithm to a given polygonal curve defined by a LineString. This algorithm simplifies the curve by selectively removing vertices with the least shape-relevance while attempting to preserve the overall perceptual appearance of the shape. The algorithm uses a provided DiscreteCurveEvolution.DCETerminationCallback to determine the termination condition for the simplification process.

      If the input shape is closed (i.e., a polygon's LinearRing), the algorithm ensures that the resulting simplified shape remains closed. Vertices with the smallest turn angles and neighboring line segments are considered the least relevant and are candidates for removal.

      The process continues iteratively, removing the least relevant vertex and recalculating the relevance of affected neighboring vertices, until the termination callback indicates that the process should stop.

      lineString - The LineString representing the original coordinates of the shape to be simplified.
      terminationCallback - The callback used to determine when the simplification process should terminate.
      An array of coordinates representing the simplified shape, with a potentially reduced number of vertices that maintains the perceptual appearance of the original curve.